Lightning-Talks – Plugins (EN)

Unit Testing for Plugin Developers

Dennis Ploetner

This session gives an introduction to how to test WordPress plugins with unit tests, focusing on the advantages it provides. We’ll have a look together at the main steps to set up a first test case.

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Think B4 U Code

Hans-Helge Bürger

As developer we can get excited about a new project idea and immediately we start coding and hacking to get a first alpha version ready. But in most cases our initial implementation idea is by far neither the best nor the fastest to implement. In this lightning talk I want to show you one example, where I exploit another plugin to accomplish my task and it saved me a lot of time.

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A Brief Word on Plugin Initialization

Bernhard Kau

As a plugin developer, you should write code that plays well with other plugins. When a plugin is not initialized in an optimal way, it can be hard or even impossible for other plugins, to interact with it. In this lightning talk I would like to give you some tips on how to do it right in your plugins, which can also decrease the number of service requests.

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Dennis Ploetner

Traveller, Fitness Fanatic, Triathlete, Wannabe Musician, Software Developer & Proud Dad | Born in Germany. Reborn in Italy.

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